Sunday, September 19, 2010

Privacy Options that don’t protect my privacy

I was signing up for a Microsoft Regional Business Building Event and part of the sign up form included…

  A response for this question is required.

I do want Microsoft to contact me because we are a partner so I can’t tick that button.

I do not want Microsoft Partners to contact me because I am that trusted partner and won’t want SPAM from my competitors.

I am not concerned about the mail because I have a delete key, but I also don’t want to give explicit permission to these other companies to send me offers. I guess creating an Outlook rule for “Competitive Intelligence” is my only option.

Just saying

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's slowly becoming an Android world, Gartner says

Earlier today I wondered why no Android Pallbearers when talking about the Windows Phone 7 RTM Launch.

Gartner seems to think Android will be number two in phones by 2014.

Despite the imminent launch of Windows Phone 7, Gartner expects Microsoft's share in the mobile phone market to continue to shrink, from 8.7 percent last year to 4.7 percent this year to 3.9 percent by 2014. By 2014, it will range sixth behind MeeGo on a global basis, according to Gartner.

The predicted market share in 2014 is …

  1. Symbian – 30.2%
  2. Android – 29.6%
  3. Apple iOS – 14.9%
  4. Blackberry – 11.7%
  5. Others including MeeGo and Windows Phone 9.6%
  6. Windows Phone alone 3.9%

These numbers make me think Android more likely to have the credible iPhone and Crackberry killer

So I wonder who funds Common Criteria Evaluations??

I think the horse to back may well be Android but using it with Government clients will need someone to back an evaluation.

It's slowly becoming an Android world, Gartner says - Software - Technology - News - CRN Australia