Tuesday, April 12, 2011

NOT NEWS - Spouses beware: Porn Detection Stick tracks illicit images on computers

I saw this in my news feed today and thought why why do we need this?

Spouses beware: Porn Detection Stick tracks illicit images on computersThe inbuilt software uses advanced image analysing algorithms to identify facial features, flesh tone colours, image back grounds and body part shapes that are potentially pornographic.

During an average scan, around 0.07% of images will be false positives. Curiously, this commonly includes pictures of babies, cardboard boxes and fruit.

I have a number of comments:

  • Surf your porn at home nobody wants to use your keyboard after your one handed typing geezers
  • You don’t need “analysing algorithms” I wonder if you can just detect image editing, seriously kids it is almost all “Photoshopped” they are NOT real!! Sweet looking and titillating (pun intended) but almost certainly not real.
  • When you do surf porn at home don’t hide the fact, Maybe even share with your partner. You never know you might see some ideas for topiary and more.

Topiary Lessons ;-D

Porn is not evil but definitely inappropriate at work interestingly churches are listed as possible customers??? I have no comment on the list of false positives on that basis.

Source: PC & TECH Authority… Oddly posted under LifeStyle


  1. It's like a year old and gets WAY more false positives than that

    http://www.tinynibbles.com/blogarchives/2011/04/this-week-in-porn-hysteria-the-usb-porn-stick.html (NSFW)

  2. Which is why I don't suggest it be used and suggest communication and sharing for more fun.

    AND if not $100 in flowers paves over many indescretions :)
