Sunday, September 4, 2011

Conference shenanigans and Doctors visits

Last Tuesday was the opening of TechEd Australia and I'd made my annual pilgrimage to suckle at the teat to get my nourishment of all things technical in the Microsoft World.

The other main reason I go to TechED is to catch up with techo's from all over many of whom I consider to be close friends.

After the welcome party, an online technical community AuTechHeads had it's second annual party at Waxy's Irish Pub. This was the beginning of my reminder that I'm not 20 years old anymore.

So there were a large number of people in the upstairs bar and Kilkenny takes a little while to settle, keen to get from the bar to where we were standing I saw a gap and headed at pace toward it... Complicating things I saw someone I knew a turned my head to acknowledge them sitting there. Just then boom flat on my guts and let's say damp from 2/3 of a pint. Yep saved a third pint still in hand ;)

See the small black staging in the picture? They were separated and not really high visibility so I tripped and belly flopped on one.

I must say the security dude was way on top of his game and was right at me, asking are you alright?, do you need help? do you want to fill in an accident report.

Of course I'm fine, no I'm good and I'm embarrassed enough so no.

Several Kilkenny's later I went back to my apartment and went to bed of course when I woke up dude this is pretty uncomfortable and here is a warning boys one visual inspection does not equal oh crap I've popped a kidney. Just settle petal and DRINK LOTS of water.

I limped around gingerly for the rest of the conference and come Sunday caved to the wife pressure to see our doctor checked that I hadn't put a rib through a lung, which I have not and said take Paracetamol and Ibuprofen 4 times a day and if in 2 weeks it still hurts come back for a scan yay.

All in all great conference and great friends but beer and dark rooms CAN be the gift that keeps on giving ;)

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