Monday, April 25, 2011

@Kateburge Thought of you...

Driving into Civic this morning I was listening to the radio and three songs made me think of someone I know through the inter webs but am yet to meet IRL.

So here are the neural links:

·         Babushka - Kate Bush

For no other reason than it reminded me of Kate Burge ( @KateBurge ) in a rhyming slang kind of way.

I note she often tweets of scary songs to her twitter.

·         One Perfect Day – The Little Heroes

Did anyone notice what a perfect day it was outside today I have seen Kate comment on how lovely it is here in autumn and today I’d have to agree. As the song played I looked out the windows of the truck and thought yes yes it is.

·         Start me up – The Rolling Stones

Funny that I think of Kate twice with this. Once for a lively discussion we have had online about a current affairs issue and the second because I love to moan about her Words with Friends “meanness” when I really enjoy the stretch goal of one day being able to hold my own.

She can make a grown man cry (as if).

So Kate nothing other than to say for about ten minutes today someone was randomly thinking about you and not in the shower.

I do much of my best thinking in the shower so if I have never said “Hey I was thinking about you in the shower this morning” it may well happen.

Nice Outfits
Definitely a Perfect Day
Really Might Cry


  1. I'm totally flattered with these song choices! I really like Kate Bush- and this song in particular has great memories for me.
    And One Perfect Day? What a perfect song! an Canberra is so pretty, we are very lucky.
    And lastly, truly, who doesn't love The Stones? How could you not?

    I love songs that remind me people. And I remain entirely flattered by your choices and this post. Thanks, Mr Mackie! :)

  2. I didn’t pick the songs Mix 106.3 FM in Canberra did, they just made me think of you. I’m glad you liked them but it is really my brain refecting my view of you back at you which is nice enough for now.
